Prices for Our Soil Regeneration Services in East Stroudsburg, PA
The Next Regeneration in East Stroudsburg, PA, is your trusted source for soil regeneration services. We specialize in analyzing soil and liquid samples to enhance microbiology, provide expert consultations to growers, and craft top-quality compost. For details on our pricing structures, please visit our dedicated page.
Sample Analysis
Sample collection and shipping instructions
Full Assessment
- Nematode count and ID
- Protozoa count and ID
- Fungal biomass and grouping
- Bacterial count and grouping
- Fungal to Bacterial ratio
- Detailed report including stage of succession (what would grow best)
On-Site Assessment
- On-site collection of up to 5 samples – bare patches, sick plants, weedy patches, compost, etc.
- Full Assessment of each sample
- $25 fuel surcharge added for travel outside service area
Partial Assessment
$50+ each
Choose from one or more
- $50 Nematode count and ID
- $50 Protozoan count and ID
- $50 Bacterial count and grouping
- $75 Fungal biomass and grouping
- $100 Fungal to Bacterial ratio and stage of succession
NrG Compost
Coming soon!
Coming soon!
Coming soon!